Our Services

Rapid app development services leveraging low-code technology

Supporting our customers to drive business growth

The team at Rapid App Werks supports our customers by empowering them to transform their ideas into innovative and functional applications quickly and efficiently.  Our comprehensive rapid app development services, powered by low-code technology, enable you to stay ahead of your competition and adapt to evolving market demands.  With our expertise, you can accelerate your app development lifecycle, reduce costs, and achieve your digital transformation goals seamlessly.

Consultation and ideation

Our skilled consultants collaborate closely with your team to understand your unique business requirements and goals, helping you to conceptualize, refine and shape your app ideas into clear project scopes, ensuring alignment with your vision and business objectives.

SAP Consulting & Development Expertise

Looking to elevate your existing SAP system but uncertain about the approach?  Our team boasts extensive years of hands-on experience with SAP, and is ready to embrace any challenge you present to us.

Team Extension Services

When you require in-house expertise but are limited by headcount or skill availability, consider our team extension solution.  Let our team seamlessly integrate with yours, becoming an extended and valuable part of your workforce

Custom app development

Leveraging the power of a low-code platform enables us to create tailored applications that cater to your specific needs.  Our experienced developers use pre-built components and visual interfaces to design, build, and deploy applications rapidly, streamlining the development process without compromising on functionality or user experience.

Quality Assurance & Testing

Our dedicated quality assurance team rigorously tests your applications across various devices, browsers, and scenarios to identify and rectify any potential issues.  We ensure that your app performs flawlessly and provides a reliable user experience.

Scalability and Future-proofing

As your business grows, your app should scale effortlessly. We design and develop low-code applications with scalability in mind, allowing you to adapt and expand without significant disruptions.

User-centric Design

Our design experts focus on crafting intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX) that engage and delight your target audience.  We ensure that you apps’ design aligns seamlessly with your brand identity and enhances user satisfaction.

Deployment and Support

Once your app is ready, we manage the deployment process to ensure a smooth launch. Our support team remains available to provide ongoing assistance, updates and maintenance, guaranteeing the long-term success and sustainability of your application.

Application Assessment

An application assessment is a critical process used to evaluate the functionality, security, and overall performance of a software application or system.  During our assessment of your application, we aim to identify any potential issues, vulnerabilities, or areas for improvement, enabling our clients to make informed decisions about the application’s development, deployment and maintenance.

Integration Services

Seamlessly connect your new low-code applications with existing systems, databases and third-party APIs to ensure smooth data flow and operational efficiency.  We ensure that your app ecosystem functions harmoniously to improve productivity and data accuracy.

Training and Knowledge Transfer

Empower your internal teams with the necessary skills to manage and maintain low-code applications effectively.  We offer comprehensive training programs and knowledge transfer sessions to ensure a seamless transition and continuous development, creating your own Centre of Excellence.

Rapid Ramp

We’re thrilled to offer Rapid Ramp – our flagship co-development service designed to transform your vision into a tangible product within a short span of just 5 weeks. With a dedicated blend of 50 man-days, we ensure a seamless transition from ideation to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Benefits of our low-code approach


Accelerated time-to-market

Rapidly turn your app concepts into reality, reducing development time and getting your product in front of users sooner.



By leveraging pre-built components and visual interfaces, we optimize development resources and minimize costs without compromising quality.


Flexibility and Agility

Easily adapt your applications to changing business needs and market trends, ensuring your technology remains relevant.


Enhance collaboration

Low-code platforms facilitate collaboration between developers, designers, and stakeholders, fostering efficient communication and alignment.


Innovation & differentiation

Leverage innovative features and functionalities to stand out in the market and provide unique value to your customers.

Next Steps

Take the first step towards your goals by booking a 30-minute introductory call with one of our experts.

Benefits of our low-code approach


Accelerated time-to-market

Rapidly turn your app concepts into reality, reducing development time and getting your product in front of users sooner.


By leveraging pre-built components and visual interfaces, we optimize development resources and minimize costs without compromising quality.

Flexibility and Agility

Easily adapt your applications to changing business needs and market trends, ensuring your technology remains relevant.


Enhance collaboration

Low-code platforms facilitate collaboration between developers, designers, and stakeholders, fostering efficient communication and alignment.


Innovation & differentiation

Leverage innovative features and functionalities to stand out in the market and provide unique value to your customers.

Discover our Infinite Inspect product

Introducing Infinite Inspect, a pre-built SaaS product offering and a revolutionary solution for streamlined and efficient inspection processes.

Explore our ShiftCare product

One of our SaaS product offerings, a pre-built application, is at the forefront of transforming the patient scheduling process for field healthcare workers.

Case Studies

A window into the real-world challenges our clients faced and the innovative solutions that emerged, these case studies are not just success stories; they're a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional results. Read more.

Examples of what we have built...

Visit our App Gallery - unleash your creativity, and explore what is achievable with low-code technology.

Ready to start your next Project?

If you need further information, or you have questions about our services, products, the team, our customers or our partners, please reach out by filling out this form, and one of the team will get in touch.